
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lets have some fun

Lets have some fun !!
Enjoy the pictures


Off to class now, update tonight.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010




至于生活方面,算是典型宅女吧?除了上课之外,都很少出门。上一次去Gurney逛街是什么时候我已经忘记了,Queensbay更不知道,大概…5月的事情了?不出门=越来越少朋友。这个道理我相信大家都懂,只要你选择闭关一阵子,相信就不会有朋友再招你出门鬼混了吧!现在别说鬼混,连个谈心的朋友都没了。好朋友都变什么了?就FB上的Hi而已咯。当然,还是很庆幸有Nico,Flora,Wei Fen,Li Gaik她们。也幸好上个星期是Flora的生日,让我出去透透气。跟她们八卦之后才发现,原来我真的好落伍!竟然连公司要搬了都不知道,可笑吧?





最后,真的好爱baby!! 看我把她逗得多开心~

Friday, June 25, 2010


1 经常亲吻她,趁她不注意(没有咯!)
2 过马路时牵她的手。即使吵架。(他一面跟朋友讲电话,一面过马路的时候,我在后面没有跟上他都不知道)
3 一定要有属于你们自己的房子,即使不大。(目前还没有,以后不知道)
4 一起听她喜欢的歌和她爱看的电影,陪她感动。(多数他都看到睡去,隔天还硬扯是我先睡着)
5 让她躺在你的腿上,可以抚摸她的头发。(没有酱的机会,因为他没酱有空)
6 她洗澡的时候唱歌给她听,让她不觉得闷。(他理我都傻)
7 哄她吃她不爱吃但有营养的食物。(他不会哄,但会逼。哈)
8 用情侣牙刷,然后把你的牙刷和她的偷偷换一下。(无)
9 当她很累时给她捏捏肩,捏捏脚,然后挠她脚心逗她开心。(他总是说比我累)
10 偷偷录下她走来走去和睡觉的样子。不管她耍赖还是威胁就是不删。(他连拍照都不要了,还录影)
11 没有理由的抱抱她。(这个嘛,有时候吧)
12 她写的东西我一定用心的看,读懂内心的那个她。(用心?难咯)
13 周末为她做她喜欢吃的东西,然后散步。(他说,周末最好是在家睡觉啦!)
14 在大天广众之下背她或停下来拥抱她。(不可能会发生咯)
15 在街上走的时候不会离她超过1米远的距离。(2米都有试过咧)
16 进餐厅的门或出图书馆的时候一定为她拉门让她先走。(有时候咯)
17 陪她买菜杀价,她做饭你做汤。(都是他在煮,因为他说我煮的不能吃)
18 趁她半睡半醒间为她盖被子,醒来先看看熟睡的她,然后亲一下她的额头。(这个有!哈哈哈)
19 在她特殊时期为她端上热的红糖水,然后若无其事的看电视。(他会陪我喝温水!)
20 偶尔早上打电话给她,听她佣懒的声音然后问她想吃什么给她带回去。(有试过~)
21 给她取可爱的外号,只有你能叫。(一点都不可爱的外号算么?==)
22 手机和电脑的背景一定是她的照片或你们的合影。(不可能啦!酱他就没别的“空头”了咯!)
23 手机上的昵称一定是和别人不一样的,当你打给她时,她的姐妹看到会很羡慕。(没有)
24 在家帮她梳个幼稚的发型,然后叫她女儿。(绑头发是有啦)
25 如果出差一定带东西给她,虽然不贵,但证明你时刻都在想着她。(无)
26 她坐上车,一定先为她拉上安全带,再为自己拉。(他自己都不拉安全带了!)
27 当她想要松开的时候一定再坚持抱她一会。(无)
28 永远不会丢下她一个人,就算你无理取闹也一定要让她安全。(不知道)
29 你心情不好的时候能同她说说,如果你不想说,就让你抱一下。(他只会轰我,然后盖电话)
30 刚上的饭菜一定装作抢着吃的样子,多为她夹些。(无)
31 当她无助时你能陪她爬爬山,看看夕阳。(多数他都不理我)
32 吵架后绝对不冷战,哄她之后告诉她你是为她好。(时常冷战!!)
33 睡觉的时候喜欢她抱着你,但当她背过身去一定也转身然后再抱她。(睡觉的时候他才不理人咧!)
34 在她做家务的时候为她拍照,告诉她穿围裙的样子也一样很美。(不可能)
35 如果她生病了一定细心照顾她,因为这时候她最脆弱,为她熬大大大补汤。(这个有有有!!!)
36 钱包里一定有她的照片。(不可能,他还要找别的“空头”啊)
37 下班回来一定会大声的说:老婆,我回来了。(ehhhh…没有)
38 半夜故意把被子往自己这边拉,让她离自己近些。(没有,有酱远隔酱远咯)
39 听她嘱咐我按时吃饭,多喝水多吃水果,说她罗嗦然后吻她。(他说,老人院都不要收你啊)
40 打雷的时候把她揽到怀里睡,然后说:我怕怕。(无)
41 帮她擦她吃东西留在嘴边的奶油的和果酱。(无)
42 留一点点的胡渣在亲她的时候扎扎她。(有!!!但是我喜欢~)
43 在她的朋友面前细心的照顾她,让他们知道她的选择是对的。(无)
44 在你的朋友面前细心的照顾她,不让她觉得你冷落了她。(也算细心咯)
45 有生之年陪她去趟她喜欢的城市或国家。(我知道他会带我去的~)
46 当她发呆,做饭,拖地或趴在阳台的时候,你会在身后揽住她。(他会说,又不爽什么哦你?)
47 不许她说对不起。告诉她这是圣旨。但可以用老公真好这四个字来代替。(无)
48 即使是冬天,她说口渴你也会一溜烟下床帮她倒水,但回来她必须帮你暖身子。(这里没有冬天)
49 当她钱包里钱不多的时候,你会拿给她说:帮我买双袜子,不用找了。(无)
50 让她爱上你爱的游戏,让她爱上你爱的球队。(基本上女生很难爱上dota)
51 一起养只宠物。(无)
52 在她能看到的地方写篇文章。(不可能啦)
53 带她去游乐园,电影院,图书馆,博物馆,漫画展和小酒吧。(去过电影院和水族馆!)
54 有一首关于我们故事的歌。每次去KTV都要唱。(没有!)
55 当她要和你商量事情或说不开心的事的时候,一定放下手中的东西认真听。(如果他在打game,他会继续玩!)
56 如果有天她要离开你,你会挽留,也会放她走。告诉她受委屈的时候来找你。(他会挽留,我试过!哈)
57 抱着一颗感激的心和她相处,当你想发脾气的时候,你要学会忍耐。(我知道虽然他在发脾气,但也已经在控制了)
58 下雨的时候打一把伞,迈一样的步伐踩水花不让天气影响她的心情。(无)
59 去餐厅点她喜欢的菜,如果实在点不出就点没吃过的,一起喊好吃或难吃。(无)
60 在你朋友和父母面前会夸赞她。不管她是否在场。(无)
61 当她不理你时,就模仿她的动作、她的声音、她的表情、她撒娇时说的话。(他不会做酱的事情)
62 送她回家一定把她送到门口,告诉她明天会来接她。(无)
63 绝不在她面前盯着别的女人看,看A片绝不被她逮到。(他会叫麦我一起看)
64 总能随时变出一块她喜欢吃的糖。(他不吃糖果的,所以不会有糖果出现)
65 如果你有一天出了意外,希望她能找个人替你爱她照顾她。(这个我就不知道了)


Wednesday, June 23, 2010




很爱很爱你, 只有让你拥有爱情,



Sunday, June 20, 2010

Movie : EX

戀 愛超過一次的人,分了手的人,屬於過去的人;畢竟都是我們愛過的── 前
For those, who love more than once, giving up on love or belonged to the past ;
After all this is what we have loved ── Ex

I want watch this movie so badly ! I don't want watch this movie with the Boyf . If not i think i'll get insomnia that night . LOL . Btw , i do a test just now about the date of birth of girls , and it came out with this .. Is truth la actually . =)


簡單地講,她的個性不但溫婉浪漫,感情豐富,更是多愁善感。而且為人十分敏感,懂得察顏觀色,很善解人意。此外,也熱愛和平。她的小缺 點就是容易為一 點小事而受傷害。又因太過自我中心而缺乏與周圍協調的能力。感情用事亦是其中一個小毛病,往往會因此而影響大局。此外,運氣雖然不錯,但如果過於任性,或 者會碰上意想不到的挫折。建議:看星星、到海邊走走,或者送本愛情小說給她都不錯。記得準備紙巾,隨時準備借個肩膀給她。也要記住,她心靈有點脆弱,你要 小心說話,以免講多錯多。

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I have written and deleted , deleted again wrote . But still did not know how to describe my feelings . Perhaps the words do not describe how I feel right now . In fact , I know you do not share these articles in mind , so I can safely write . Why every time when I choose to believe you buy I always find things that should not be found ? But I chose to continue to be a fool to believe you , because I really love you . I am not sure what you say is true , but I think time will tell . I hope you will not let me down , okay ? Hope that this will be my last time writing these things are not happy .

Recently we were in heated discussion on the Football World Cup, especially FACEBOOK is even more evident . We do not need television or newspapers can know the results of the competition . Powerful , right ? I wish to have one too , but have been unable to achieve . What a disappointment !

Well , time is late . Is the time to rest .

Night peoples .


Monday, June 14, 2010




他:!@#%^&*?' (密碼)











Saturday, June 12, 2010

Is a Saturday , a week has passed so quickly . Every day is so boring, do nothing . I think it was too boring , so keep the disease came to me . Hope that next week it will all return to normal . Starting next week , and probably will return to a busy day of it ! Schedule change , and 8:30 to 5:00 on school before class , too much for real people .

Some things repeated in the event there is no way to solve problems . In your view , you are always right . Their hearts are fragile , that I meant nothing ? I should know to continue to argue with you , this question is no conclusion . In your position you are right , I can only silence .

Want to go out tonight , but go there then ?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ain't coming back

Time flies, not aware of 10 days has passed . Really could not bear to think of leaving tomorrow , but what can I do ? Time to the end , the left must always be left . I cherish this 10 days holiday . Even more pleased to see the boyfriend every day and follow him to work . 10 days I was sick for 5 days but he still take the trouble to take care of me , really touched . I will keep in mind, because had not been this way before . Although I have grown , but it really is my first time away from home for so long , all because of him .

My purpose in life is simple - to make friends is the intention of pay , and love is also the intention to talk . How others treat us , how we treat others back, right ? So I go back to the other side of the theory was right on him . Have told you before , because my experience , it led me to the different and my reaction is not that easy for you to guess . I will not doubt my other half , because I respect him . But you reminded me , if you do not usually contact with others , how others will suddenly call you ?

Dialogue from last night , I have clearly know what you think . So I do not check your phone is correct . Very happy I do the right thing again . You do not want to be a unfeeling person , just because you want to keep hope to others . Instead , what you told me ? How do you ask me to delete the photo and remove him from the FACEBOOK friend list ? Self-contradictory ? When you say " I will not find visit others house for looking someone ," this sentence, did you heard the sound of my broken heart ? Yea , my heart broke into pieces .

I wonder when you will see this article . However , it is no longer important . The remaining half of the Monday I will be more cherished . As I have promised myself that this will be the last time we meet . No contact with you anymore , so please take care of yourself .

Saturday, June 5, 2010


The last weekend i stay in KL , will going back PENANG next Tuesday . Wish i cound stay here another week yet i can't . Can't imagine how to sleep when i go back Penang , the days when he not with me . =(

Fall for sick and get the stupid high fever after i updated the previous post , i guess because of sitting down the air-cond for too long period during rainy day ? Hmmp . Wake the boyf up to bring me visit the doctor , yet is useless . The fever visit me again second night , lose my appetite till now . We ate porridge as dinner that night , i can't even finish a small bow of porridge .

The following day , is Wednesday ! Pasar Malam infront the house and the boyf bought alot yet can't finish cause i didn eat alot , blame on me .

Thursday , Secret Recipe as lunch AGAIN !! Visit 3 times in a week . LOL

At night , we go Genting for coffee ! Yea , is Starbucks . LMAO . KL didn't have any Starbucks ?! Another thing is , there was an Uncle ask me
HOW MUCH when walking alone to the wash room . FML !!! Do i look like that type of girl ? #$%^&*! ==

Friday , we have an bad argue because of some small things . =( And i get fever AGAIN at night !! So the boyf force me eat porridge again . Yet this time is the famous porridge at KL called
Low Yao Kee location somewhere near Bankok Bank and infront of RHB bank and beside Maybank as you can see in the picture . The FISH porridge is most famous at there yet is already finish when we reach there .

This morning , PORRIDGE again in Mc.D . I swear i won't eat porridge in short while !!! And the boyf bring me visit the chinese doctor and cook this for me . Is so bitter yet i have to finish it ! Feel better now , and the boyf bring me to Mid Valley and i spend alot . While on the way go home , he said : Shopping is better then the medicine for you i think . Your fever is all gone while shopping . LOL

Thank you for the boyf taking care of me while imma in high fever , i know you wake up few times to check my body temperature in mid night . I do feel it in my heart . =)

And now , the boyf is out to work again and imma HOME ALONE now . Where to go tonight ? Will going Sunway Pyramid tomorrow for hunting legging . Price Yong and Milky are in too .

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Days in KL

Here i come again . Since i have no cable from my camere , OPS !! is the Sissy camera that i mention before in FB . The only way that i can share a little bit pictures is taking pictures through my Iphone and upload to FB , and copy down from FB and paste it here . Why am i so pity ? Whatever la , as long as can share the pictures here it's worth ! Thanks to Sissy again . =)

We went to Kepong eat crab as our dinner on Sunday , kinda lots of people and make us wait like hell . The food was nice and the price was cheap , 6 people only cost us RM150 . Is this cheap in KL ? Yet i prefer Bukit Tambun Seafood ! And i found out that KL people loves to drink Chinese Ice Tea . So lets the picture talks !!

Of cause before that we went to the Aquarium located at KLCC . The first visit that i make to the Aquarium was the Aquarium at Langkawi , around 10 years ago . LOL . Take lots of picture inside yet all in the camera , so i just grab some from Milky's FB since she already post it up . Sorry Milky~~

Shark fin and the Shark ? LOL

Here some information bout the Aquarium just [ CLICK ]

Talk to the Boyf bout which type of camera should i buy he agree S90 too ! So i time to save money and spend for it ! == . Another things that i craving for is the BB Curve and the LV Canvas . Too bad the Boyf ask me keep it out of my mind and stop thinking bout both of it ! Yet i still craving !! I don't mind to get it if they are 2nd hand too ! Just can't keep my eyes for both of their information . Oh ya , visit the Ralph Lauren at KLCC , and the price make me shock and i just can't control myself the " WTF " word coming out . Is freaking expensive men ! I can spend the same cost to buy an LV bag though . Totally out of my budget !!!!!!

Still haven't visit Pavillian and Sunway yet ! Is waiting the BoyF to bring me when he's free . I think is enough for today post . Cause is freaking cold now as imma sitting down the air-cond !! C-O-L-D !!

Where to go tonight ?